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Dual Responsibilities: Navigating Careers and Caregiving

For many professional women, the reality of balancing a demanding career with family and caregiving responsibilities is a constant challenge. This dual role often leads to heightened stress and burnout, making it feel like an impossible juggling act. I understand this struggle all too well, as I’ve navigated these same paths in my own life. […]

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Work-Life Fit

Finding Belonging

Belonging is a powerful concept, especially for women in leadership roles who are ambitiously balancing their careers and family responsibilities. For me, belonging is about feeling accepted, valued, and connected in all aspects of life. As someone navigating these paths, I’ve discovered that fostering a sense of belonging is not just beneficial; it’s vital for […]

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Transforming My Mindset from Self-Sabotage to Wisdom

Two years ago, if someone had told me I’d be able to “let go” of an interaction that didn’t go as planned or stop obsessing over all the things that could go wrong, I’d call BS. After all, I had been a gold medalist in the sport of Professional Pitfall Planning. I made sure I […]

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Choosing Courage Over Comfort

It is so easy to stay comfortable. I know because I’ve been there, and I realize one of the most profound choices I make is whether to embrace courage or settle for comfort. This decision impacts my personal growth and the culture and success of teams. The distinction between being liked and respected often hinges […]

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